Tips to Keep Yourself Safe on Taxis
Taxis are a great way to get around town and it’s a way that many people use to get to and from their destinations. However, there are certain precautions that should be taken when traveling in a taxi. Whether you’ve had some bad experiences with taxis or you’re just looking to stay safe, riding in a cab is a great option — just remember these tips before you take a taxi ride.

Know Where You’re Getting Into The Taxi
First of all, make sure you know where you’re getting into the car before you get in. Check the company’s rating on the Better Business Bureau website to see if there are any complaints from passengers. Sometimes passengers have no idea where they are going and end up in bad areas. If the driver is not knowledgeable about the city, ask them to take you to a major landmark and make sure you can see it before heading to the car. If you feel uncomfortable, leave a note with the driver that says where you want to go. Also, don’t forget to always carry a printed version of your destination with you.

Know Where You’re Going
If you do decide to take a taxi, make sure you know where you’re going before you get in. Ask your hotel or host where the nearest taxi stand is, or if there is a nearby phone. When in doubt, double check your destination. Familiarize yourself with the route that you’ll be taking with the driver before you get in the cab. If they don’t know where they’re going, that’s a red flag. It could also be worth asking them to take a different route so that you can confirm that they know where they’re driving. If you know where you’re heading and you’re familiar with the area, that’ll eliminate 90% of the risk of being a victim of a bad taxi experience.

Check the License, Taximeter and Driver’s ID
Before you get into any cab, make sure you know the license plate number, make and model of the vehicle. Also, check the driver’s ID and taxi registration card. Both documents should list the taxi driver’s name and photo. You should also verify that the driver’s photo is of the driver that you’ll be riding in. The taxi’s license plate should also province the city and province where the cab is registered. If the vehicle doesn’t have any of these details, that could be a sign that it’s not the cab you think it is. The registration card should also list the vehicle’s make and model, a brief description of the taxi and the taxi company. All of these details should match up with the cab that you’ll be in. If you have any doubts, don’t take the cab.
Consider Using a Taxi App
There are some taxi apps that allow you to check the vehicle’s location, make and model before you get into the cab. This makes it easier to make sure you know where you’re heading. Some apps also allow you to set a tip and rate your driver so you have some kind of assurance they will be back for more. Make sure you use a safe, secure, and easy-to-use app that you trust.
Hire a Taxi With an Owner/Driver
If you’re looking to hire a taxi for the day, this is the best option. The owner/driver knows the area well and is more likely to take you where you want to go and drop you off safely. Always call a taxi company in advance to make a reservation. It’s important to have a designated driver to make sure everyone arrives safely at their destination.
Final Words
Taxi riding can be a fun and cheap way to get around, but there are some precautions that should be taken before you get in the car. They’re also a great way to get around when you don’t know the city well enough or when you’re in a rush to get somewhere. There are many rules and regulations that you should follow when riding in a cab, but these tips will help you stay safe. These tips will help ensure that your taxi ride goes as smoothly as possible.
Give us a call at (905) 454-9999 and we will make sure you get to your destination safe.